Certifying CPE Compliance

Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) must earn a minimum of 20 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits (at least 10 fraud-related and 2 ethics-related) every 12 months and pay annual membership dues to maintain an active membership status.* CPE compliance must be certified by the end of your anniversary month, which is typically the month your ACFE membership is renewed each year.

To certify your CPE compliance:   

Icon of a computer screen representing a communication action by internet accessVisit ACFE.com/MyCPE to certify your CPE compliance online.

Icon of phone handset representing a phone call communication actionCall (800) 245-3321 or +1 (512) 478-9000 to certify your compliance by phone.

Icon of word bubble representing an online communication action Contact us via secure chat.

Certify CPE Now

If circumstances arise that prevent you from meeting your CPE compliance deadline, you may submit a request for a 30-day extension by contacting a Member Services Representative. If you have already received a 30-day extension, additional time may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

If you do not certify your CPE compliance by your deadline and are not approved for an extension, your credential will be suspended. While in suspended status, you will be prohibited from representing yourself as a CFE or using the credential in any form. Visit the Resolving CPE Suspensions webpage for more details. 

CPE Compliance Audits and Maintaining CPE Records

While it is not necessary for CFEs to send CPE records to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) unless specifically requested, as a CFE, you will be required to retain proof of CPE earned, such as CPE certificates, for 3 years in case you are randomly selected for a CPE Compliance Audit. The ACFE conducts regular audits to ensure that all CFEs are meeting the necessary CPE requirements to maintain their credential. If selected for an audit, you will have 60 days to provide the ACFE with CPE documentation for the requested compliance year.

CPE documentation must include: 

  • Name of attendee 
  • Course description 
  • Name of sponsoring organization
  • Number of CPE credits earned
  • Date of course 

The ACFE will not accept the following records as CPE documentation: 

  • Registration forms 
  • Paid invoices 
  • Course syllabi 
  • PowerPoint presentation slides 
  • Excel lists

Please note that the ACFE does not maintain CPE records for members at this time; if you earn CPE through the ACFE, you will need to keep track of your credits and all supporting documentation. 

If you are unable to demonstrate CPE compliance when audited or miss the deadline provided, your credential will be placed into suspension and you will not be permitted to represent yourself as a CFE or use the credential in any form. Visit the Resolving CPE Suspensions webpage for additional details. Please also note that if you are found to have falsified any information regarding your CPE compliance, you may be subject to disciplinary action.

*Note that up to 10 credits can be carried over into the following year’s compliance period if an excess of 20 credits is earned during a 12-month period and both the fraud and ethics requirements have been met.